Monday, May 17, 2010

So.....just Pull The Trigger....!!!

‘Russian Roulette’ by Rihanna…..similar to my obsession with any particular song (which usually lasts for a few days), this too has been playing on my winamp incessantly since the last few months…..even as I write this post………………..!!!

Aware of the fact of its ‘bizarre’ concept….the song made me think in quite a few dimensions……..however this post does not literally adhere to the meaning the song tries to explain….it’s a take on a complete different perception of mine….!!!

Since the February 13th, the succeeding months can be aptly called as the ‘chronicles of annihilations’….beginning with the terrorist attack on Pune’s beloved German Bakery….the city faced the horrifying wrath of terror in its most gory nature………

Zooming in closer in my vicinity….jobs, relationships, friendships, expectations, hopes etc etc…..came tumbling down….2 consecutive deaths in my closest acquaintances…….what’s more, the near-to-death accident my parents had………amidst the whirlwind of such events, it’s amazing how one manages to keep their sanity intact (if I may say so)……………

Similar to the song this post does have a tinge of negativity to it……..but thinking on the flipside……the song does mention in its verse, “I’m terrified, but I’m not leaving, I know that I must pass this test”………………..right or wrong…….sometimes our destiny makes us pull the trigger that results in obliterating certain existences in our life…’s devastating……but it’s for a cause…..for a greater cause……..for a cause unknown to the human psyche……hence it’s important for us to pass such tests……of virtually exterminating these existences!!!

Clichéd as it may sound….it’s for a better and promising future…..everything happens for a reason…..blah blah blah……BUT………… all stands true……be it the terrorist attack or be it losing someone beloved….it pains, it hurts, it devastates, it crumbles you down……..but it’s all destined……sometimes it’s premonitioned, sometimes its thrown on your face…….whatever it is…….all one has to do is ‘calm oneself, count to three…..And Just Pull The Trigger’……..coz if you don’t…..someone else definitely will….!!!